Temites attack urban or residential areas and cause a great structural damage to farmhouses and dwellings annually in the USA and Australia. Hungry Formosan subterranean colony is the main threat posed to lumber in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. Termidor termite treatment really works and protects home from infestations.
Is Termidor termite treatment effective against all termite colony-mates?
Termidor pesticide is the Number 1 termite control product on the Australian and American markets, as, according to the customers’ reviews, it really works and brings the results quickly. Due to the effectiveness and results after treatment, the Termidor chemicals have been spread throughout the world. The termicide with fipronil controls all the wood insect species, such as subterranean termites, Formosans, dampwood, arboreal and drywood termites, and all the termite caste members. Note that it can be used only outside. In fact, it can be applied indoors only to spot treat termites’ activity and infestations in the wall voids. It can’t be used indoors for ant or pest control other than inside wall voids.
Termidor products for sale
Termidor is a registered trademark of BASF corporation. Termidor termite treatment can be applied by individuals, who are licensed or registered by the state to use termicides and general pest control chemicals. It is recommended to consult the pest control regulatory agency of your state prior to apply Termidor products for treatment DIY. Termidor killer products are manufactured in three different forms as:
- Termidor SC termicide (Termidor SC is a concentrate for getting fipronil solutions to exterminate subterranean and wood termites and prevent your home from future infestations. It is applied outside for soil drench and foundation treatment and inside for wall void treatment with drilling)
- Termidor Foam (It is a gallery-targeted killer for subterranean, dampwood, arboreal and drywood termites. It is used for a local treatment of wall voids and all types of wood structures with the help of drilling and for limited outdoor spot treatment in or around structures)
- Termidor DRY termicide (It is a gallery-targeted control product against subterranean and drywood termites. It is applied for a stand alone spot wood treatment or in conjunction with a structure post treatment using Termidor SC.)
Fipronil Product | Dilution and Dosage | Application | Rate |
TERMIDOR SC 9.1% fipronil | 0.06% (1 gallon of water + 0.8 fl.oz Termidor SC) 0.09% (1 gallon of water + 1.2 fl.oz Termidor SC) 0.125% (1 gallon of water + 1.6 fl.oz Termidor SC) | 0.06% - for suspected infestations 0.09% and 0.125% - for severe, active infestations | Horizontal treated area: 1 - 1 1/2 gal per 10 sq. ft Vertical treated area: 4 gal per 10 linear ft |
TERMIDOR FOAM 0.005% fipronil | expansion ratio - 30:1 1 oz of product produce 1 qt of foam for 5 sec | 0.005% - for control and spot treatment of termite nests and galleries in the wood cavities and wall voids | Inject into each hole, which is drilled in a staggered manner every 3-4 or 6-8 inches, approx. for 5-10 seconds. |
TERMIDOR DRY 0.5% fipronil | 3 bulb/ ball compressions of the application device delivers 0.1 g of dust | 0.5% - for control and localized treatment of subterranean and drywood termites | For subterranean termite galleries and shelter mud-tubes use 0.1 - 1 g per an injection point. For carton nests apply 0.3 - 3 g per an injection point. For voids use 0.2 - 2 g per an injection point. For drywood termite infestations, it is necessary to apply 0.1 - 1 g per an injection point in wood. |
How does Termidor kill termites?
Fipronil is the active ingredient of Termidor, its content is 9.1%. It is one of the the most widely used pesticides in the world. It belongs to the neurotoxic class of insecticides known as neonicotinoids. Popularity of fipronil products is due to their high toxicity to invertebrates, the flexibility and ease with which they can be applied, their long residual effect or persistence. This chemical substance is currently licensed for the management of bug and insect pests in more than 100 countries. Fipronil is highly toxic to many classes of insects and exhibit relatively low vertebrate toxicity when compared with other insecticide classes, which are currently in use (US EPA 2003).

Fipronil Termidor termit treatment doesn’t repel wood pests. On the contrary, termites can’t detect the product application and so they continue forage and travel back and forth across tubes and galleries in the poisonous soil and wood. Workers pass the fipronil treated area and pick up toxins, ingest and spread them until the termicide eliminates the entire colony. Termidor termite pest control treatment gives better results than regular repellent insecticides and baiting systems, which can be detected by workers and soldiers and can be avoided in this case.
The miracle of Termidor termite treatment is that this killer product possesses two unique features: “transfer effect” and “defense effect”. What does it mean? It implies that pesticide can be transferred to other colony-mates via constant contact and mutual feeding activity. Moreover, it can eliminate the entire colony for a short period of time. It also acts as a termidor termite defense and provides a barrier to their entry.
Toxicity of fipronil and environmental hazards
Neonicotinoids and fipronil are often used to control insect pests in urban or residential areas. Use of these insecticides on ornamental plants or near impervious surfaces creates a potential of contamination for aquatic ecosystems through runoff during rainfall or irrigation (Armbrust and Peeler 2002; Haith 2010; Thuyet et al. 2012). This environmental contamination will undoubtedly have impacts on the functioning of various ecosystems and their services (Chagnon et al. 2014) unless alternatives are developed.[ref]J.-M. Bonmatin,C. Giorio, V. Girolami, D. Goulson, D. P. Kreutzweiser, C. Krupke, M. Liess, E. Long, M. Marzaro, E. A. D. Mitchell, D. A. Noome, N. Simon-Delso, and A. Tapparo. Environmental fate and exposure: neonicotinoids and fipronil [/ref]
As Termidor chemical products are toxic to fish, aquatic invertebrates and birds, do not apply directly to water and do not contaminate it when disposing of equipment washwaters or rinsate. Special care must be also taken to avoid runoff, which can be hazardous to aquatic organisms.
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