Termidor SC termite control products are the premium pesticides in the U.S and Australia. The customers highly evaluated termicides of this trademark. Termidor SC is produced by BASF corporation. The study of the effectiveness and successful results after soil and local treatments against a variety of wood and subterranean termites (including species of Reticulitermes, Zooternopsis, Heterotermes and Coptotermes) was performed in Whitmire Micro-Gen Research laboratories. Termidor termite treatment is applied by specialists, who are licensed and registered by the state to use pest control products. We recommend you to call professionals from termite control companies. If you want to treat your home against wood insects “do it yourself”, it is obligatory to consult the state pest control regulatory agency prior to apply Termidor SC.
Termidor SC Description
Termidor SC is a water based suspension concentrate liquid containing 9.1% fipronil (active ingredient) and 90.9% other ingredients. It is EPA registered No. 7969-210. Termidor SC is an effective professional pest control chemical for eliminating subterranean and wood termites and preventing your home from future infestations. Termidor will protect household buildings, wood constructions and houses from wood insects, when used as an in-ground barrier treatment. The product must be used in a manner consistent with its labeling, otherwise, it will be a violation of Federal Law.

Due to its effectiveness and sufficient results of termite treatment, Termidor SC has been spread throughout the world and can be purchased in pest control stores, home depots and on Amazon:
Termidor SC Termiticide 20 oz. by Termidor (Not shipped to New York)
Termidor SC termite insecticide application
This chemical product can be applied in outdoor treatments only. Spraying indoors is also possible, though it is limited to localized or spot treatments for active termite infestations. The fipronil termicide can’t be applied indoors for ants or other pests control.
Termidor SC target insects
Termidor SC is used for different termite species: drywood termites, subterranean termites, Formosan subterranean termites, dampwood termites;
ants: carpenter ants, crazy ants, crazy rasberry ants, argentine ants, other ant species (see the label).
Termidor SC also can be applied for bugs and beetles: Asian Beetles, Boxelder Bugs, Pill Bugs, Cockroaches (Australian, Oriental, Smokey Brown), Spiders Centipedes, Crickets, Earwigs, Cluster Flies, Millipedes, Silverfish, Brown Dog Ticks and others; only for the outside perimeter pest control treatment.
Termidor SC termite treatment toxicity
When this product is mixed and used outside only as directed. In this case it is safe and non-toxic to humans and pets. Attention! Termidor SC is not labeled for use directly on pets against animal pests. Do not perform Termidor SC termite treatment near water reservoirs and do not apply directly to water due to environmental hazards. Store unused product in original container only. Keep Termidor SC out of reach of pets and children.
Termidor SC termite control yield
For termite and ant control, mix at a rate of 0.8 fl oz. per each gallon of water used.
You can use Termidor SC for soil and foundation (concrete) treatment for subterranean termites. When doing a termite barrier treatment around the house, follow our recommendations:
For termite control, each 20 oz bottle will make 24 gallons of solution, which can treat 60 lineal feet of trenching. If you don’t require large amounts of Termidor solution, you can mix up 4 gallons of solution according to the product label for every 10 lineal feet of soil trench.
If you have concrete, it is required to drill 1/2″ x 18″ holes every 10-12 inches apart. Take 2 inches from the wall foundation and start drilling. For this purpose, use 4 gallons of Termidor solution into the drilled holes for every 10 feet.

Termidor is sold in 20 oz. bottles. It means that 24 gallons of finished solution can be obtained from each 20 oz. bottle.
What type of equipment for Termidor spraying is required?
You can use any type of household and garden sprayers (pump up, hand or compressed air) and watering cans, any you like. Remember not to use this hand tank for your household activities indoors. Stick a label on it for precaution: “for the garden and pest control purposes”. It is obvious that a hose end garden sprayer is forbidden to use with Termidor poisonous solution. In the product label it is mentioned about the necessity of an anti-backflow device on the sprayer. This device refers only to a spray rig, not a hand tank or garden sprayer.
Termidor termite warranty
The most homeowners are eager to learn about the effectiveness of this fipronil pesticide and usually ask our specialists about Termidor SC termite treatment: “How long does it last?”. The results won’t keep you waiting. In fact, Termidor SC termite killer concentrate will solve almost any wood pest problem in less than 90 days. When this fipronil termicide is used as a soil-concrete barrier treatment, it will protect your dwelling from termite attack for over 10 years.
DIY Termidor SC termite treatment
Termidor SC can be used for Formosan and subterranean termite control diy.
To protect your home from future termite infestations, Termidor must be mixed with water and poured in a 6-inch deep trench that is dug around the foundation of the home.
More information about diy Termidor SC treatment against termites read here.
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