Subterranean Termites are widely spread in the USA. There are 9 types of Subterranean termites in Florida, Texas, California, Arisona and other states. These pests are serious timber destructors. Damage from their activity is evaluated millions of dollars. Their colonies can range in size from 50000 to a few millions and can cause building destruction within half a year. It is obvious that most homeowners are aware of subterranean termite treatment methods.

These insects live in the soil, mulch, mixen, in other words, underground. They forage in wood beneath and above the ground. They construct humified mud tunnels and pass through cracks in the foundation into your home. Wood pests commute back and forth this way. You can examine your dwelling carefully and observe mud tubes on and in the walls, in the wooden structures and even alongside plumbing pipes.
What termites really need in your home is a source of food containing cellulose: studs, wooden floors, foundation constructions, furniture, sills. A source of water is necessary for their activity, so if you have leaking pipes in the house, the entire colony is likely to reside inside building structure. Subterraneans prefer to hide as they dislike an exposure to sunlight and open air.
If you observe the signs of the infestation, it is necessary to contact a pest control company for subterranean termite treatment. Only professionals can provide proper termite inspection. They determine the extermination methods and how long treatment for subterranean termites will last as well. In order to prevent termite contamination, we recommend to apply subteranean termite prevention methods.
What is the best way to get rid of subterranean termites?
If you suspect subterranean pests to appear in your house and yard, the best solution is to hire a reputable pest control service. Before signing a standard contract for the treatment of subterranean termites with a professional company, ask them questions about their experience and insurance. All methods used for extermination, can be classified into local elimination and structure treatment. Chemical injections, fumigation for subterranean termites, chemical ground treatment are the most regularly used.

Are there the ways of subterranean termite treatment yourself?
You can apply natural methods to extermine termites yourself. They are also known as non-toxic treatment for subterranean termites. In most cases these methods are used in complex. Due to our experience they are more preventative than exterminative. The most popular among them are :
Botanical treatment – applying orange and other oils on wood surfaces;
Borax treatment – applying borate sprays and baiting systems for killing the termite colony. Dig out a trench in the soil and pour the borax solution there, then fill the trench up and spray with a bucket of water.
Heat treatment for subterranean termites – exposing formosan and subterranean termites to sunlight. Dig up a trench and leave it open for sunlight and heat exposure for 3 days.
Flooding treatment – drowning subterranean termites. Dig up a trench and flood it.
Salt treatment – applying salty solutions on wooden structures.

Can subterranean termites come back after treatment?
Subterranean termites are very sensitive to disturbance. If you do subterranean termite treatment yourself, be sure you apply the chemicals properly. Otherwise, you can only disturb termites subterranean and they abandon this infested area and move to another safe and calm place in your house and yard. In this case, you will not be able to exterminate them completely and repeated subterranean termite treatment will be necessary.
Professional pest control companies guarantee their customers complete extermination of subterraneans and long-lasting protection from all wood-destroying pests for two and more years.
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