Traditional ways of killing rats have proved to be ineffective mostly due to specific rat behavior. A great variety of methods range from physical persecution, to mechanical traps and zappers, to toxic chemicals. In practice, anticoagulants and rat poison came into use in the 20th century as an alternative way of pest control. However, these toxic substances have been intensively used, thus causing the contamination of environment and doing serious harm to other non-target animal species, including humans, due to primary and secondary poisoning. On the contrary, the method of biological rat control via bacteria is a safe alernative to chemical rodenticides. Bioproducts kill the roof and Norway rats and other rodents without causing any harm to pets, raptors and people.

Biological rat control products
The advanced products for biological rat control are BioRat by Labiofam and Bakterontsid by Biona (Germany). In fact, the bio bait is a complex mixture of grain, immunosuppressive agent and specific pathogen. The whole rice and пропаренное зерно are palatable bases that attract rats and mice to consume BioRat and Bakterontsid. Moreover, these grains are on the rodent diet and easily grow all over the world.
BIORAT is a registered trademark popular in 12 Central and Southern American countries, 3 African countries and 7 countries in Eurasia.
Natural rat pathogens for bio treatment
The main active ingredient of BioRat and Bakterontsid is a micro-organism of Salmonella enteritidis (plasmid: 59, 4, 3 MDa; VI phago-type; lysine-negative biochemical characteristics). It is important that bacteria from this family may cause disease in humans and other animal species as well. However, this pathogen possess plasmids 30, 36 and 38, and phagotypes 4, 8, 13 and 13a, none of which are present in the strain utilized in BioRat.
In Asian countries the farmers use commercially available rodenticides with Sarcocystis singaporensis. This protozoan pathogen is native to Southeast Asia. The bacteria causes the outbreaks of sarcocystis infection that significantly increase mortality of rats and other rodents. [ref]Thomas Jaekel and others. Biological control of rodents using Sarcocystis singaporensis[/ref]
After feeding, bacteria get into the rodent’s stomach, intestines, then get into blood, causing septicemia or typhoid and the subsequent death. The infection transfers fast from sick rats to healthy. You will observe first dead corpses of rodents on the fourth day and last direct deaths on the fourteenth day after application.
Immunosuppressive effect of bio rodenticides
The immunosuppressive agent for biological rat control products is a cumarin-based substance. This weakens the rodent’s immune defences against attack from the bacteria contained in the product even in low concentrations. Thus, the rats and mice die after only one ingestion. Bacteria plus cumarin are effective in most cases, including ones with anticoagulant resistant rats. Moreover, BioRat does not create resistance nor rejection among rat and mice populations.
Effectiveness of biological rat control treatment
Bio rodenticides lead to increased economic productivity in urban and rural rat infested areas. They are sustainable, as they contain ingredients that you may easily grow and obtain anywhere in the world. The effectiveness ratio varies from 93 % in crop fields to 95-99 % in urban and industrial areas.
The Spanish researchers have determined the positive impact of biological rodenticide Biorat on populations of cotton rats Sigmodon on crops. In fact, this rodent is a very common vector in various Central American countries. The index of infestation was reduced by 94.6 to 98%. [ref]Villafaña Martín F1, Silva Pupo M, Ruiz Blanco J, Sánchez Rojas LG, Campos Muñoz A.[Assessment of the impact of the biological rodenticide Biorat in populations of rodents settled in several crops of the Republic of Costa Rica][/ref]
Safety to humans, pets and wildlife
Fortunately, biological rat control products are harmless to people, birds, warm-blooded animals or pets. Beside, no antidote is necessary if ingested accidentally. Moreover, they do not possess phytotoxicity.
To sum up, the method of biological rat control is an advanced technology to get rid of various species of rodents without causing any harm or damage to environment, people, plants, animals and birds of prey.
where i ca buy biorat
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where i can buy biorat
you can buy biorat here:
For getting more information about the product, contact:
Dr. José A. Fraga Castro, Presidente, Chairman of Grupo Empresarial Labiofam.
Ave. Rancho Boyeros, Km. 16, Boyeros, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba
Tel.: (537) 263 0844; (537) 57 9217; (537) 683 2151; Fax: (537) 33 57 48
Lic. Lisabetta Martinez, Business Manager of Labiofam S.A.
Calle 34 # 3407, Rpto. Kohly, Playa, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba
Tel.: (537) 204 2581; (537) 204 2578; (537) 204 2587; Fax: (537) 204 21 81