Termites are small but very dangerous for human household, they can destroy your dwelling for several years. If you see the signs of termite presence, be sure the threat is really obvious. You can call for a pest control professional or try killing termites in a natural way on your own. This article will teach you how to get rid of termites naturally. Before starting extermination you should distinguish the type of termites infested your home.

General methods to get rid of termites naturally
Struggle with termites needs a lot of time and patience especially if you have decided to do it yourself (DIY) using traditional methods. For all termite types you can use the following ways to get rid of termites naturally.
1. DIY and use a paper or cardboard trap
This method is non-toxic, environmentally-friendly, natural, very easy and cheap to do. Take two pieces of cardboard together and leave them in infested area. It is like a cellulose-containing sandwich for termites. Cardboard will attract fertile termites and winged termites giving off an appealing woody smell. Spray some water on the trap and the smell become stronger and more powerful. When termites fill the trap, take it away and burn. Now make a trap yourself again and wait for a new group.
2. Buy and use nematodes
Nematode is a diverse animal phylum. It is a natural predator inhabiting termites. All you need is to introduce this parasitic form into the termite colony around your house and nature will do its way. Termite dies in 48 hours after contamination with worms.
3. Buy and use botanical oils against termites

As you know lavender oil is very efficient against mothes, there are some natural oils that can kill termites on contact. Neem, bigarade, orange, clover and lemon oils, containing an active compound d-limonene, can be effectively used for wood pest treatment and control. This substance is destructive to termite health. Essential oils are applied in the form of injection and fumigation against drywood and subterranean termites. Natiral oil method needs repeat applications.
4. Use borates: borax powder, borax solutions
Boric acid is used for a long period of time as a remedy from termites and ants in a natural way. It is not toxic to humans and pets and can be used both inside and outside the house. Solutions from borax powder are used for killing termites in yard: dig out a trench in the soil and pour the solution there, then fill it up. Termites like freshly-dug soil and it will be a best natural attractor for them. Borates can also prevent future infestations of termites from appearing again in house and yard. You can use paint brush and “paint” wood surfaces with borate or use a diy termite spray for this purpose. Boracides, including Bora Care, Shell Guard, Jecta diffusible gel, Borax can be purchased on amazon and ebay.
5. Expose termites to high or low temperatures.
Termites die under exposure to high and low temperatures. This method is available for termite infested pieces of furniture, books, frames as they can be taken outside during the hottest part of the day in summer. Heat treatment is one of the best ways to get rid of termites. It is necessary to expose infested items to heat of 120 degrees F for approximately 30-40 minutes. Cold treatment is a natural way to kill termites in regions where winters are rather cold or to use putting the cellulose containing products into a refrigerator for 4 -5 days. The necessary temperature is -15 degrees.
6. Apply salt solution.
Salt is a well known natural source for getting rid of pests, fungi. Add salt into warm water with 1:1 dilution and stir until salt dissolves completely. Use this solution for spraying and pouring it on the wood and the soil, especially around the house, and for injecting into the drilled and entry holes. Salty water will repell termites and make them die once ingested.

Additional natural ways of getting rid of three termite types
Study below some special effective methods how to get rid of termites naturally.
If you identify subterranean termites that live in colonies in the soil and destroy foundation upwards from the ground level, the extermination will be not so easy.
1. Expose formosan and subterranean termites to sunlight.
Termite of this type cannot survive under exposure to heat and light of the sun. Infested pieces of furniture, books, wooden frames can be taken outside during the hottest daytime in summer for 2-3 days. Dig up a trench in infested area and leave to expose termite habitat directly to sunlight and heat.
2. Flood the infested area.
Dig up a trench in the area of termite infestation and flood it. Termites cannot swim and can easily be drowned by this method.
3. Use boric acid.
You can use borax solutions for getting rid of termites naturally: dig out a trench in the ground of the yard or around the house and pour the solution there, then fill the trench up and spray with a bucket of water.
If you distinguish drywood termites that live in small colonies in dry wood, the extermination will be a bit different.
1. Expose drywood termites to high or low temperatures.

Termites die from high and low temperatures. Pieces of furniture, cardboard, building structures infested by dry wood termits shoul be exposed to hot temperatures (sunlight, heat from fire) or cold temperatures (natural low temperatures in winter where possible, liquid nitrogen, freezer).
2. Put small infested pieces of furniture into water.
Drywood termites do not like moisture and are not able to swim. Put small infested pieces of furniture into water for some minutes and drown them all.
3. Use boric acid for wood treatment.
Boric acid is used in the form of solution for drywood termite resistant treatment of wooden surfaces inside and outside the home.
If you found dampwood termites that live in mulch and damp wood, the getting rid of them will be the following.
1. Eliminate moisture.
As dampwood termites live in wood with high moisture level, it is necessary to be sure that wood structures, building foundation and other wooden items are kept dry.
2. Put small dampwood termite infested pieces of furniture into water.
Damp wood termites also cannot swim, so you may put small infested pieces of furniture into water for some time.
3. Use boric acid for wood treatment.
Boric acid is used in the form of solution to anti-dampwood termite treatment of wooden surfaces of newly constructed buildings.
All methodes mentioned above can be combined and will help you to get rid of termites naturally, without harmful and toxic chemicals.
Thanks for Salty recipe, I haven’t heard it. I wanna try
I’m about to try several natural treatments wish me luck… I have a wood yard and a house with termites so here goes
how to kill termites in citrus trees
I agree that it is worth it to pay for professional services. They do a great job and are highly professional.