Subterranean termites are spread throughout the USA. They locate their colonies in the ground dwelling in moist areas and forage for lingocellulose in the above-ground wood. Due to the fact that they prefer moist wood and cork for foraging activity, Timbor diy for termites subterranean can help the most homeowners worldwide, including the USA and Australia, to protect their homes from damage and attack.
How does Timbor for subterranean termites diy treatment work?
Timbor diy for termites subterranean does not actually wipe out the entire colony, it is just a preventive measure, required for wood protection and termite control. The penetration of DOT solution is only o.25 inches into wood, and it is not enough for the extermination of the entire colony.
If you need to kill subterraneans that forage for cellulose in wood, you should use more concentrated borate products with glycol, namely, Bora Care, Jecta gel or Shell Guard. In this case, the penetration of poison into the wood structure is deeper, about 4 inches from each side. Borates with glycol are natural and effective for eradication existing infestations of subterranean termites, including Formosan, in wood.
When wood-destroying insects come in contact with injected borates, they transfer the toxicant to other colony-mates and die as boric acid inhibits their digestive enzymes.
Timbor diy for termites subterranean: directions
Timbor professional is a product, which can be purchased by pest control services with license. Though, the homeowners often buy Timbor Professional on amazon and ebay to treat their home naturally on their own. This treatment helps them save lots of money, though this process is not so easy as it may seem.
If you want to apply Timbor diy for termites subterranean, examine the label, that is attached to the product, and follow the directions. Take into account what personal protective equipment (for Category C) is required to prevent from skin or eye irritation, accidental inhalation or swallowing the least-toxic termicide chemical during application of Timbor diy for termites subterranean. In the table below, you can find necessary information about Tim-bor Professional for wood treatment in brief.
This table contains all the necessary information about the borate powder Tim-bor Professional for control of termites diyProduct: | TIM-BOR Professional |
Chemical name and family: | Disodium Octaborate tetrahydrate (DOT) inorganic borates |
CAS reg. No: | 12280-03-4 |
EPA reg. No: | 64405-8 |
Manufactured by: | Nisus Corporation |
Active ingredient: | 98% disodium octaborate tetrahydrate |
Description: | a white, fluffy powder, sold in 1.5 lb bags, boxes with 8x1.5 lb bags, 25 lb buckets |
Product properties: | insecticide fungicide wood preservative |
Target pests: | Wood-destroying insects: Subterranean Termites (Reticulitermis, Coptotermes or Formosan, Heterotermes) Dampwood Termites (Zootermopis) Drywood Termites (Kalotermes, Incisitermes) Ants Beetles (Powderpost, Borers, False borers, Furniture) |
For use in: | 1. all types of lumber, plywood or logs. 2. indoors and outdoors 3. for remedial control and wood protection |
Not suitable for: | 1. wood that has been vanished, sealed or painted 2. exterior areas that are subject to excessive rain |
Not for sale to: | NY CT |
Application form: | 1. coatings with foam and liquid solution. For the best results, apply to bare wood 2. in-structure injections with liquid solution, dust and foam. Pre-drilling is required. |
Product mixing: | 10% dilution: 1 pound of powder + 1 gallon of water 15% dilution: 1.5 pounds of powder + 1 gallon of water 15% foam: 1.5 pounds of powder + 1 gallon of water + 1-2 ounces of foaming agent |
Application rate: | Timbor coverage depends on the formulation: 1) 1 gallon of finished dilution (1.5 lb bag) per 250 sq. ft of wood surface area 2) 0.5 oz of powder per 1 sq.ft 3) 1 gallon of Timbor dilution produces 20 gallons of dry foam per 250 sq. ft |
Application mode: | 1. Apply 10% solution for dry wood 2. Apply 15% foam of solution for wood of high and normal moisture level 3. Apply in the form of bare wood coating 4. Drill and apply in the form of injections into wall voids and inside galleries |
PPE (personal protection): | Category C on the EPA chemical resistance category selection chart. 1. long-sleeved shirt long pants 2. closed shoes with socks 3. chemical resistant gloves 4. protective eyewear 5. respirator (in confined space) |
Timbor is a powder that can be applied directly on wood surface or can be dissolved in water to obtain 10% and 15% dilutions or 15% foam. For subterranean termites, it is recommended the homeowners to apply 15% Timbor treatment solution to bare wood structures with high and normal moisture level.
For 15% diy Timbor mixing, use water in a 1:1 1/2 ratio. It means, 1.5 pounds of Timbor dust must be diluted with 1 gallon of water. The prepared dilution is mixed with 1 or 2 oz of surfactant-foaming agent to get Tim-bor Foam. 1 gallon of liquid expands into 20 gallons of dry foam.
Timbor Nisus Professional can be used for:
- Coating treatments of wood
- Injecting treatments into wood structure
It acts as an effective bait at 15% concentrations,
an antifeedant at >25% concentrations and
a termite-killer at 50% concentrations.
Do not store the prepared solution for an extended length of time, use as soon as possible.
Timbor 15% spray against subterranean termites in wood
For control and protection against subterraneans, two applications of 15% Tim-bor treatment solution are sufficient.
Cover the wood surface with 15% dilution, using a conventional paintbrush. This coating will protect your home from future termites’ damage. Borate layer is likely to break down in a few years,that is why, it is necessary to protect the treated structure from excess rain and moisture and re-treat the wood.
You can also drill holes into wall voids, termite galleries and wood structure at a downward angle. Inject 15% Timbor dilution under pressure into the holes, openings and cracks in wood, until run-off is observed coming from exit holes.
Foam treatment with 15% Timbor diy for termites subterranean
Timbor 15% foam can be appled for coating treatment: cover all accessible wood surfaces with dry foam. For in-structure injecting treatment, pre-drilling is required. Spray 15% Timbor foam under pressure into the holes, openings, until run-off is observed coming from exit holes.
DIY treatment with Timbor powder for subterraneans
Timbor diy for subterranean termites’ treatment can also be connected with application of Timbor dust. Powder is puffed into galleries and voids at application rate of 1 oz per 2 sq. ft. Timbor dust contains highly-effective 98% DOT ingredient, though, it has lots of side effects: penetration of powder is limited and its coverage area is relatively small. Too much dust can seal or plug the termite galleries, and subterranean workers and soldiers, just isolate these areas and won’t use them for their purposes. Tim-bor powder can be also applied for covering the wood surfaces to act as wood preservative from insects’ attacks.
Structural lumber, that is going to be used in new house construction, should be treated with borate products for resistivity to subterranean termites. The houses, that are already built, should be subject to remedial treatment with boric acid sprays and by direct injections into wood.
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